Hello, hello, hello! It's Jonno here, making my first post on our website! What I'm gonna be talking about here is about my Prize Giveaway and the Three for One Giveaway.
What I am going to be talking to you guys first is the Prize Giveaway. So, what is the Prize Giveaway? The Prize Giveaway is going to be exactly how it sounds, a prize giveaway, each month the leaders and I will be choosing a person from our clan, and that one person gets a complete and battle ready TEAM for their WiFi, that's right, an entire team, SIX fully bred and EV'd Pokemon, ready and at your disposal.
The second thing I will be discussing is the Three for One deal. This is a deal that I am currently running. For a limited time, I am offering to breed and EV 3 Pokemon for the price of one in the clan. It's as simple as that, so you better hurry before the offer ends!
Use the form below: (either post it on the forum, or send it to me in a private message!)
Pokemon: Pokemon: Jirachi
Nature: Nature: Jolly
Ability: Ability: Serene Grace
Item: Item: Leftovers
EVs: EVs: 252 ATK, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Move 1: Move 1: Iron Head
Move 2: Move 2: Thunder Wave
Move 3: Move 3: Wish
Move 4: Move 4: Protect
Leave this form below with the Pokemon you would like, making sure you have atleast 1000 points at the ready!